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Warwick Airsoft Society

Warwick Airsoft Society


Warwick Airsoft Society was formed in June 2008 by enthusiasts of the game. We aim to make airsoft as accessible as possible for everyone, be you complete novice or experienced player. We play many games and host several socials throughout the year! Come to the Freshers Fair, a social, or one of our social media channels to meet us.



Airsoft is similar to paintball, in that teams of players shoot eachother in a variety of game types, but it is different in many ways:

  • Airsoft guns known as RIFs (Realistic Imitation Firearms) fire 6mm plastic pellets called BBs.
  • The guns used can look realistic, and have various attachments and modifications.
  • The range, accuracy, and variety of weapons is greater. Players can use rifles, pistols, sniper rifles, and more, all of which lend themselves to different play styles.
  • Rifles used have less power than paintball ones and hurt less.
  • Airsoft is far less expensive.


What will I need?

The society will provide you with a rifle, magazine, and face protection. Instead of having to rent equipment from a site each time, we'll lend it to you for as many games you come to for £5 a year! We can also sell you BBs at about half the price of most sites.

Some players bring their own equipment such as webbing, attachments, and camouflage clothing, but this isn't necessary. We'd recommend wearing dark colours to help blend into the woodland, and that it covers your skin to provide padding, but you can come in a Hawaiian shirt if you want. Keep in mind that it can get slippy and your shoes will get muddy, so boots with good ankle support are advised.


Where are games played?

The main site we go to is a local one called "The Grange" (, who have helped the society organise games for years. It's a large wooded site filled with buildings, barricades, and foliage.

There are many different game modes, each of which can vary the pace, objectives, and rules around respawning. There are always ways to freshen up gameplay so that it never ceases to entertain!

We also organise games and tournaments with other universities, as well as doing trips to other airsoft sites. If you're interested in this then let us know!


Can I buy an airsoft gun?

You cannot purchase an airsoft gun unless you have a legal defence such as a UKARA registration ( This can be sorted by staff at The Grange after you play three game days over a period of more than two months.

However, you can buy attachments such as sights to put on the RIFs we lend you on the day. Just remember to take them off again!


I already play airsoft!

Great! If you're living on campus then your not allowed to store RIFs in your accommodation (for obvious reasons), so you can store them in the society's "armoury".


Discord and Facebook

Member or not, get in touch with us on our Discord server and Facebook group

Here we will keep you updated about upcoming events, as well as being a place to discuss airsoft and just hang out.



Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Warwick Airsoft Society Standard Membership below.


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