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African & Caribbean Society

African & Caribbean Society

Over the last ten years Warwick ACS has continued to flourish in providing a platform for the celebration of African and Caribbean heritage combined with the active cultivation of excellence and leadership in all areas of university life and beyond.

We welcome anyone who wishes to learn about and enjoy African & Caribbean in a warm and friendly environment. We achieve this through active member participation, producing a series of events and discussions which are relevant, innovative, entertaining and inspiring.

From career networking opportunities and lively debates, to the best parties, we are known for throwing memorable events on campus.

Remember to: Be Cultured, Be Inspiring, Be YOU.

Also don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel (Warwick ACS) and follow the rest of our socials too!


Exec Membership

African & Caribbean Society - President

African & Caribbean Society - Treasurer

African & Caribbean Society - Careers & Sponsorship Officer

African & Caribbean Society - Careers Officer

African & Caribbean Society - Events Officer

African & Caribbean Society - Public Relations Officer/Media

African & Caribbean Society - Secretary

African & Caribbean Society - Sports Officer


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the African & Caribbean Society Standard Membership below.


Please log in to join this organisation.