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Serbo-Croatian Society

Serbo-Croatian Society


Warwick Serbo-Croatian Society

Welcome to the new Serbo-Croatian Society here at Warwick. We are proud to introduce the primary Serbo-Croatian speaking culture society. We welcome members from all across the Serbo-Croatian speaking countries within the balkans, including but not limited to: Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina and Montenegro. Join us for cultural events, social gatherings, educational events and more! We are commited to creating an enviornment that fosters friendship and undertsanding among all students.


Information about events and gatherings will be posted via our social media and you can gain access to our Whatsapp group chat by messaging us on Instagram. (Click the lnstagram logo to the right!)


Exec Membership

Serbo-Croatian Society - President

Serbo-Croatian Society - Treasurer

Serbo-Croatian Society - Other Committee Role

Serbo-Croatian Society - Secretary

Serbo-Croatian Society - Social Secretary


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Serbo-Croatian Society Standard Membership below.


Please log in to join this organisation.