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Warwick Content Creation Society

Warwick Content Creation Society

Hey creators !

Wonder what Content Creation Society is all about ? Well, it's a place for all sorts of media, where we aim to cater to a wide variety of creators ! Whether you enjoy:

  • Drawing (traditional / digital)
  • Writing
  • Streaming
  • Animation
  • Video editing
  • Photography
  • Cosplay and more !

This is the perfect place to share your works, make new friends and collaborate with fellow creators ! We also welcome fans, supporters and clients of original creations and fanworks. 

Social Media

You can find us on Instagram and on Discord where we regularly post updates on our upcoming events, external announcements and more ! You can share your creations on the Discord server, ask for help and feedback / critique on your works, suggest event ideas to help improve our society, discuss about content creation, make friends and more. We'll also post highlights of our member's works from our Creator Meet-ups or, a collection of submissions from challenges that we host, on our Instagram.


Creator Meet-up

We host a weekly meet-up session on Fridays from 5-8pm, typically in the Oculus, where we'll give our members an optional prompt / theme to try to create something to. There's no pressure to make the world's next masterpiece, we welcome all creators of any skill-level -- and if we have your permission, we'd love to take a photo of what you've created so we can post it on our Instagram ! You can also just come to chill, socialise and admire other member's works.


Ever wanted to level-up / learn a new skill ? Our workshops are the perfect place to do so, where we cover a wide range of skill levels, as well as topics: from the cosplay basics to digital art techniques and more ! These are typically run by our experienced exec, here to help you with any queries you may have. We also provide the presentations as a resource for our members after the workshop.

Games Night

A classic, universal event that every society must have ! Come along to play content creation related games, such as,, gartic phone and more ! If you have any suggestions for games, feel free to tell us and bring them along. If you want a break from the games, we'll also have a collaborative board in the background that anyone can draw on. 

Challenges / Misc.

We also host online events, such as art challenges, online sales for products manufacturered and created by Content Creation society, Secret Santa and so much more ! If you have an idea of an event we should run, feel free to contact us through our social media linked above. 

Current Exec Team [24/25]

  • President - Pei Qi
  • Treasurer - Peak
  • Welfare officer: Dalia
  • Social Coordinators - Jamie & Bernard

That's it for now. See you later, creators !

Exec Membership

Warwick Content Creation Society - President

Warwick Content Creation Society - Treasurer

Warwick Content Creation Society - Secretary

Warwick Content Creation Society - Social Coordinator

Warwick Content Creation Society - Welfare Officer


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Warwick Content Creation Society Standard Membership below.


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