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Make a Smile Warwick

Make a Smile Warwick

Welcome to Make a Smile Warwick!

We are a charity dedicated to giving smiles to those who need them most. We send princesses, superheroes, mermaids and more to disability groups, hospitals and other community events to spread joy to the local community. 

At Make a Smile, we take pride in the quality of our characters. All of our costumes are high quality and as a volunteer, you'll be trained to be the perfect fit for any characters you portray. Want to volunteer with us but don't feel like dressing up? That's okay! We have plenty of non-costume opportunities to suit all of our members.

We value diversity and inclusivity in our society, which is why we have costumes in a vast range of ethnicities and sizes. 

As well as our visits to the community, we host regular fundraisers and socials including bake sales, coffee catch-ups, 'Princess Makeovers' at community fairs and more! We're always looking for new ideas so please don't hesitate to contact us about any fundraising or social requests.

To volunteer with us, please click the 'Join this society' button below and create an account on our official website using the following link Log In ( This will put you on our official system and allow you to complete any training quizzes after attending our training sessions so you can begin attending our events. 

Please keep up to date with us on our social media platforms 

Instagram: @makeasmilewarwick

Facebook group: Make a Smile -Warwick 


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Make a Smile Warwick Standard Membership below.


Please log in to join this organisation.