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Graphic Designing and Marketing Society

Graphic Designing and Marketing Society

Warwick Graphic Design & Marketing Society

GDMS teaches Warwick students, step by step, everything about marketing.

As much as we all love theory, knowing the 4P's and 8C's by heart won't get you an internship. In marketing, experience is perhaps more important than in any other industry. 

So, if you want a career in anything marketing-related, you need something more than just theory. From building personas to social media, and from marketing automation to schema markups, we help students at all levels reach their learning goals. 

Warwick Graphic Design and Marketing Society exists to develop every member’s marketing and graphic design knowledge and skills, so that they can reach their personal, academic and career goals. We teach about the overwhelmingly huge professional world in ways and through media that University of Warwick students understand. 

Join us for a year filled with fun socials, workshops, events and more!

Exec Membership

Graphic Designing and Marketing Society - President

Graphic Designing and Marketing Society - Treasurer

Graphic Designing and Marketing Society - Other Committee Role

Graphic Designing and Marketing Society - Secretary

Current Elections

Graphic Designing and Marketing Exec Elections 2025

This election is specifically to elect the Exec members for the Designing and Marketing Society. You will only be eligible to participate for this election if you are a member of the Society.

4 posts are up for election.

Nominations open at 10:00 on Monday 24 February 2025 (in 15 hours)

The polls open at 18:00 on Thursday 13 March 2025 (in 17 days)


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Graphic Designing and Marketing Society Standard Membership below.


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