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PENSA Warwick

PENSA Warwick


PENSA stands for Pentecost Students & Associates, and is the campus ministry arm of The Church of Pentecost (COP). The vision of PENSA is to raise world changers with the Christ factor. 

We believe that each of us are uniquely designed to have an intimate relationship with God and reveal the nature and characteristics of Christ in all areas of our lives. PENSA is a place where you can fellowship with other Christians, grow in the faith, and have a great time whilst doing so. 

We meet every Tuesday and Friday at 6:30pm in The Oculus. 


Do you have to be Pentecostal to come?

No! We welcome Christians from all denominations and our society and leadership are a testament to that. So, in short, you are all welcome!

Ok, Then what is Pentecostalism?

Pentecostalism is a denomination in Christianity that emphasises the reality of the Holy Spirit in a believer's life. When Jesus Christ was to leave the earth after his resurrection, He promised that he would send The Holy Spirit (John 14:16) who would do life with us! This beautiful reality means that God is with us at every moment and desires to know us intimately through a personal relationship.

What do the sessions consist of?

Our sessions are usually made up of prayer, worship, short sermons, and fun icebreakers. We hope to facilitate a great environment for you to grow in your love for God and His people. Come along to a session and try it out!

Exec Membership

PENSA Warwick - President


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the PENSA Warwick Standard Membership below.


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