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Rethink Economics Warwick

Rethink Economics Warwick

Economics in universities is narrow, uncritical and detached from the real world. It is dogmatically taught from one perspective as if it is the only legitimate way to study the economy. There is no room for the critical discussion and debate that is essential for any student to engage with real-world economic problems.

Rethink Economics Warwick tries to change this narrative by providing an outlet for pluralist (Post-Keynesian, Austrian, Ecological, Feminist, Complexity, Institutional, Marxist and many other) economics thought while actively fighting for better economics education. We invite passionate students who want to know more about the extremely diverse discipline of economics regardless of their degree subject to join our society.

Exec Membership

Rethink Economics Warwick - President


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Current students should purchase the Rethink Economics Warwick Standard Membership below.


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