This is the DEV site.
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We have over 250 societies - there is bound to be one for you! On this page you can find out more about societies, join them, start them up, or find resources for exec members.


Warwick GSD

Warwick GSD

Welcome to Warwick GSD Society!

Join Warwick Global Sustainable Development Society for a range of socials and academic events! We provide the typical peer support, advice sessions, CV and cover letter clinics, and careers panels that you would expect from an academic society, but we also provide so much more! From football and netball teams to biweekly circles, a running club, families schemes, charity events and campaigns, a radio show/podcast and more there is never a dull or empty week with us! We also have an annual spring ball!
Do you have an interest in sustainability and the climate?
Would you like to meet and work with likeminded people?
Do you want a support network of those that do the same degree?
Do you see yourself in a career where you make real world difference and help battle the biggest challenge of our time?
...Do you want to have fun while doing it?
If so, join Warwick GSD Society today!
We are NOT exclusive to those that take GSD as their degree, and even have exec from other degrees. If sustainability interests you then Warwick GSD Society is the place to be!
Follow us on:
Main Instagram - @warwickgsdsociety
Sports Instagram- @gsdsocietysports
Welfare Instagram- @wwkgsdwelfare
Facebook - Warwick GSD Society
And feel free to DM us with any questions you have
You can also email us via


Upcoming Events

GSD Society Ball!
28th February 6pm - 1am
Chesford Grange Hotel
Join GSD Society for a fun and lively night of music, dancing and great company :)


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Warwick GSD Standard Membership below.


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