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Guidelines & Rules

All Club/Society Execs – and especially Treasurers – must ensure that funds:

  • are used in line with the aims and objectives of the Society/Club as defined in their recognised and approved Constitution
  • are used in the interests of all members of the Society/Club
  • are used in a manner that represents good value for money for members
  • are not used in contravention of stated SU policy or in any fashion that has the potential to bring the Society/Club, the SU or the University into disrepute
  • provided to the Society/Club in the form of grants or sponsorship are used exclusively in line with the documented purpose for which they were provided

Procedural Practice

The SU does not expect individuals to pay for sizeable purchases from their own funds – anything beyond nominal amounts can be paid through the SU using the Online Finance System, Money Request (bank transfer or via credit card) or Purchase Order forms to avoid Execs or other Members having to use their personal money and await reimbursement.

Use of Funds - Specific Instances

The following guidelines apply to the use of Society/Club funds within the above overarching principles.  Where special circumstances apply Coordinators within Student Activities can advise – in all instances it is worth checking with your Coordinator in advance to avoid any complications. 

Where a decision is required as to what constitutes “reasonable”, the nature and scale of expenditure will be considered in conjunction with the aims and objectives in the Club’s Constitution and the balance of their accounts.

If you are in any doubt about what Society/Club funds can or can’t be used for please arrange a meeting with your Coordinator in Student Activities for advice.

Alcoholic Beverages

Society/Club funds cannot be used to purchase alcoholic drinks, except:

  • It is stated within a Sponsorship Agreement that a sponsor’s money can be used to fund social events or the provision of refreshments.

  • Where the event is taking place in a regulated and licensed premises and upon completion of an event planning pack or event notification form.

  • Where alcoholic drinks are intrinsic to the nature of the Society/Club as defined within its Constitution (Real Ale Society, Warwick Cocktail Society, etc).  

  • As part of a ticketed event, in which alcohol spend is clarified in the event description, at the discretion of Student Activities.

Card Machines

  • Card machines cannot be purchased with club funds as it is against SU policy. We would reccommend that you set up tickets prior to your event and receive money that way. Tickets can even be purchased on mobile upon arrival.

Subsidising Event Costs

Funds can be used to subsidise members’ participation at the Society's/Club’s events, providing this is within reasonable levels and maintains a sensible level of retained funds to ensure the long term sustainability of the Society/Club.  Non-members cannot be subsidised.

Exec Hoodies

Exec hoodies can be subsidised by a maximum of £20 per Exec member, as long as this is approved by the Student Activities Team and your Society has sufficient funds.

Gifts for Speakers 

Gifts for speakers, coaches or other volunteers may be bought, provided the cost value does not exceed £20.  This is to avoid issues around payment-in-kind (and associated tax implications) and bribery legislation.  Reasonable travel (standard, not first class, etc.) and subsistence costs can be covered, provided these are agreed in advance with your Coordinator.

Competition Prizes

Prizes can be made available for competitions where success is a demonstrable matter of skill rather than luck – this is what differentiates a competition from a lottery (running a lottery requires registration with Coventry council and is covered by the Gambling Act 2005).  The competition prizes must be wholly funded from entry fees and sponsorship specific to the competition – Society/Club funds cannot be used to subsidise prizes. The exception to this is where a donation is freely given with the stated intent to support the running of a free to enter event, such as a quiz, and the total amount to be offered in prizes does not exceed the total amount of the donation.

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