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Fundraising Resources

Here at Warwick SU we want to support you in organising innovative fundraising events. Whilst bake sales might sound simple, they're actually pretty labour intensive and don't generally have a high return on donations for your efforts. Did you know, the average Warwick bake sale only raises £35 for charity? Fear not, we've found some great resources with new ideas for you to try!

NaSFA's 'Beyond Bake Sales' Fundraising Guide

Have you thought of a quiz night or game show? A sleep out? Food tin collection? The National Student Fundraising Association have laid out some suggestions for your next fundraising event in this guide.

CAFOD's A-Z of fundraising ideas

Everything from bag-packing to pancake races gets a mention in this list - there's bound to be something to spark your creativity!

NUS' Student Fundraising Guide

This comprehensive guide covers everything from fundraising regulations to how to organise a charity week and even possible careers in the charity sector!

NaSFA's 'Bucket Collections for Beginners' Guide

Not sure about the ins and outs of bucket collections? The National Student Fundraising Association have got you covered with this guide.

Motivation's 'Little Book of Big Ideas'

Maybe you know someone who's up for shaving their head, or some adrenalin junkies up for being sponsored to jump out a plane (with a parachute!)? Check out Motivation's guide with yet more fundraising ideas!

Link up with a Warwick RAG event!

Why organise your own event at all? Warwick RAG run a number of events each term which you, and your society members or friends, can get involved with. Get involved in fundraising simply by linking up with their fundraising events!

If you'd like some additional support in planning your fundraising event, contact the SU's Campaigns Coordinator, or Warwick RAG!

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