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Step 3: Event Planning Packs

When is a Planning Pack required?

There are four main questions to answer:

  • Will tickets be sold for the event?
  • Will Society/Club funds be spent to subsidise the event?
  • Will the planned activities have any potential safety issues?
  • Are there contracts to be signed?

If the answer to any of these questions is “yes” then a planning pack will be required.  If it’s “no” to all four then a pack isn’t needed and you can go ahead with the event.

If you have a charity aspect to your event you should also follow the guidance and register your activity here.

The Planning Pack

The event planning pack has three elements:

The purpose of the pack is to give your Societies/Sports Coordinator a comprehensive outline of the event, to demonstrate that any health and safety issues will be addressed, and to show that it is financially viable.  The pack should provide all the evidence necessary to allow the SU to approve the event and take ownership of any associated liabilities and commitments.

Support from your Societies/Sports Coordinator

You should send your Event Planning Pack to your Societies/Sports Coordinator as soon as you have it complete – don’t wait for the deadline to arrive! 

Your Coordinator can provide support and advice on how to complete your Planning Pack, explaining how to best represent the specifics of your event and ensure that all aspects are taken into consideration.

The more time they have to get familiar with your plan and have it approved, the better the chances that everything will go smoothly.

If anything is unclear from your planning pack your Coordinator will have to seek further information from you, or may need to meet up to discuss the plan and get details straight.

Gaining SU Approval for your Event

Once the event has been approved, you can then confirm all your bookings with suppliers and venues, and go ahead with actively promoting it.

We can also then put your tickets up for sale, so make sure you complete a ticketing form providing as much information as possible.


Health & Safety

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