This is the DEV site.
Save BIG at Domino’s this January!

Societies & Sports Clubs

Upcoming Events

Societies Events

Warwick Student Cinema - Term 2 Film Pass
5th January - 11th March
Get access to unlimited films at WSC all spring with our term pass!
Warwick Student Cinema: My Own Private Idaho
23rd February
Come see My Own Private Idaho presented with stunning 4K Laser Projection on the big screen in L3!

Sports Clubs Events

WUCT Domestic Tour
21st-23rd February
This is a tour to Manchester to see the National Track Cycling Championships. We will watch 2 sessions (each a few hours) while exploring the local area and nightlife. We will be staying in the Youth Hostel in Manchester city centre.
Cheddar Gorge New Leaders Trip
28th February - 2nd March
Do not buy tickets unless instructed too.