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Graduating this summer? Summer Graduation takes place 18-22 July and there is a lot to take in, book and enjoy! Before you say goodbye to Warwick we've put some things together that you might find useful.

Warwick SU Merchandise

The discounts don't have to end when you graduate! Graduate Extra is a brand new and exclusive discount and lifestyle card for new graduates from NUS, which delivers the best deals on all aspects of graduate life. Order your card now.

Graduation PhotosTake That Photo will be on campus throughout Graduation Week. Check the website nearer the time for more details.

Crèche and Kids ClubA Crèche and Kids Club is available during Graduation ceremonies. Places are limited and must be booked in advance. Please see the University website for more details and booking forms.

Food and DrinkWe're laying on Champagne cream teas at our vintage tea shop right on the piazza. Booking is essential, check the website for more details.With a special graduation menu, Xananas is the perfect place to celebrate your special day. Check the website for more details and booking information.Whether Champagne and Pimms in The Terrace Bar, or traditional pub grub in The Dirty Duck, there's sure to be something for everyone.

Accomodation, Excess Baggage and Food OffersIf you and your family need somewhere to stay during graduation, or you need to transport your belongings back home, check out the special deals arranged by the SU for you.

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