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Showing at Warwick Arts 11th Feb 2025
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The Students’ Union is the focal point of campus life here at Warwick, but what exactly is it that makes your Union so unique? Here are a few basic facts about who we are and what we do…

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Candidate for the position of Ethnic Minorities Officer

Image for Maisha Hassan

Maisha Hassan

Greetings All, 

My name is Maisha Hassan and I am running for the position of Ethnic minorities officer this election. Being born and brought up in Bangladesh, I never truly sensed the feeling of being an ethnic minority till the moment I came to university. Living amongst people who knew so little about where I was from created a feeling of loneliness and made it difficult to settle in. However, through joining ethnic societies and by keeping an open mind about meeting new people and embracing new cultures, Warwick slowly became my home. Now I want to be able to help and create that same magic for every ethnic minority person on campus.

To embrace my own culture on campus I became the Events and Safety officer for Warwick Bengali Society, through this role not only did I plan events that celebrate the diverse culture of Bangladesh which enables Bengalis to feel well represented at the University of Warwick; but also executed collaborative projects with other societies and clubs and challenged my organizational and time management skills. Alongside this, I am also a Warwick Finance Society Ambassador, where I work towards Improving the society’s outreach amongst individuals with varied ethnic backgrounds through close communication. Additionally, I am also an Undergraduate Mentor for the economics department where I Guide and consult undergraduate students with all aspects of university, including academics, personal well-being & societies. These roles allow me to be a great listener and communicator who is reliable and supportive to students in a new vulnerable environment,  which I believe makes me an ideal candidate. 

VOTE FOR ME if you want your Ethnic Minority Officer to:


  • Promote SU held events that celebrate diverse cultures from around the world and make everyone feel included
  • Events that represent music, fashion, cuisine, etc


  • Seek opportunities that improve learning and career prospect development amongst ethnic minorities.
  • working with career department to promote job and experience opportunities that support ethnic diversity and provide equal opportunities
  • making it accessible for students to reach SU EM officers, introducing forums for discussions and complaints


  • educating professors and SU staff on EM issues and related events
  • Plan regular awareness campaigns regarding the issues usually faced by people of color on campus and in general society

Thank you for reading my manifesto and feel free to get in contact with me to ask me any questions about my ideas by contacting me at 



Contact Us

If you need to ask any questions about the elections process, you can visit us in the Democratic Services Office on the top floor of SUHQ. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details below.