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Showing at Warwick Arts 11th Feb 2025
Showing at Warwick Arts 11th Feb 2025
The Students’ Union is the focal point of campus life here at Warwick, but what exactly is it that makes your Union so unique? Here are a few basic facts about who we are and what we do…

View Manifesto

Candidate for the position of President

Image for Will Brewer

Will Brewer






  1. More visible, approachable and personable Report & Support and Wellbeing.

  2. Student-led decisions on in-person teaching.

  3. More integrated role for PTOs and liberation groups in the SU.

  4. A more campus-wide and transparent SU. 

  5. Proper support and full training programmes for society execs.



Current Sports Officer working closely with SU and University staff on a daily basis.

Nominated member of the University Gender Task Force.

Vice-Chair of the BUCS West Midlands Regional Group.

MMORSE Graduate.

Ex President & Social Secretary of Warwick Tennis.



  • Secured over £7K to train local nightclubs in the prevention of sexual harassment and assault.

  • Piloted an Ally Scheme to increase marginalised communities’ participation in sport.

  • Launched Warwick’s largest ever review into sexism in sport.

  • I have been the lead FTO on dealing with the rise in spiking, meeting with women’s student groups, Police officials, MPs, other SUs, and the Victim’s Commissioner to raise important concerns, make changes and build best practices.

  • Enhanced sports promotion across campus with the One to Watch campaign.

  • Piloted a Sports Officer Bursary Scheme for students unable to afford the cost of sport.

  • Began a review of trans policies in national sport, with the aim to lobby for improvements.

  • Submitted a pending sponsorship proposal for up to £56K worth of funding in sport.

  • Passed a motion to allow presidents and welfare officers to temporarily suspend members in cases of misconduct where current processes didn’t work fast enough.

  • Brought in a policy dictating that anyone found proven of sexual misconduct can never represent the university in BUCS or otherwise again.


I want to nurture an active and engaged campus; where everyone feels safe and supported with a President fighting for them!



  • Guarantee that the university is offering an education strategy designed for students and not profits, making sure that the in-person teaching offer is specific to department needs and based upon students’ wishes.

  • Consistently the SU has focused too much on the standard undergraduate student. I want to enable more engagement with part-time, PGR, PGT students and distance learners so the SU can fight for the changes they want to see.

  • I will lobby for self certification to be available to all students, you deserve it too engineering!

  • Allow extracurricular commitments to be an approved reason to swap seminars.

  • Ensure that the new personal relationships policy regarding relations between staff and students is clearly delivered to all staff and students are aware.



  • I am already planning a large scale Town Hall on reporting, livestreamed to all students, with the aim of debunking myths and increasing trust to better tackle key issues around the reporting of sexual misconduct and discrimination. I will be chairing the discussion involving Report & Support, Wellbeing, SU Commercial Team, RLT and Community Safety.

  • Enhance welfare training for key university staff, in particular personal tutors, so they can better identify students who are struggling and signpost to the correct resources.

  • Increased promotion of Report & Support, getting posters in every flat ready for arrival and more promotion across Instagram, with ‘meet the team’ posts, FAQs and flow charts explaining the processes. So students are more familiar with the procedure and learn to see them as a friendly and welcoming resource.

  • As part of the Healthy Masculinities Project Team I have chaired vital open discussions with sports execs, providing key research; and secured £6.5k worth of funding. I will continue to work on this project that will create much needed peer led resources on tackling lad culture, sexism and discrimation.



  • Go out to tender on the Akuma contract, we deserve better.

  • As President I can extend all my achievements in sport across to societies as well, ensuring that there is sufficient admin to enable proper support and provide a full training programme for execs, with a particular focus on Report & Support and welfare training.

  • Carry out a review across clubs & societies looking at the composition of their exec structure compared to their membership base over key areas such as gender, BAME, LGBTQUA+ and postgraduates. 

  • As President I will be able to champion sport at the highest levels of the University, increasing funding, support and respect for our clubs; and tackling the ever increasing cost of sport for you all. 



  • Fast track key work on SU staff retention and recruitment to ensure students are consistently supported, especially in the academic and societies departments.

  • Make the activities of the SU more public and transparent, keeping students in touch with what we’re doing and creating an SU that you all feel a part of.

  • Extend talks with Stagecoach, putting pressure on them to ensure they cater for students at peak times.

  • Expand the impact of the SU across campus, having officers present at academic inductions promoting elections engagement, societies and clubs, academic reps and the advice centre. This is particularly important with the Medical School, WBS and WMG. 

  • Ensure the perspectives and policies of PTOs and liberation groups are reflected in the work of the SU, holding regular meetings where required so that key work can be aided by FTOs and SU staff.

  • Review SU By-Laws and processes to ensure that everything is always kept simple with a common sense approach. 



Contact Us

If you need to ask any questions about the elections process, you can visit us in the Democratic Services Office on the top floor of SUHQ. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details below.