This is the DEV site.
The Students’ Union is the focal point of campus life here at Warwick, but what exactly is it that makes your Union so unique? Here are a few basic facts about who we are and what we do…

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Candidate for the position of Vice President for Democracy and Development

Image for Jack Sperry

Jack Sperry



Get Merry for Sperry


for DDO

Cheaper, Safer, Greener


Why should you Back Jack for DDO?

  1. A cheaper student life with prices students can afford

  2. An environmentally friendly campus with a Green New Deal for Warwick that will reduce plastic cup waste

  3. A safer university experience for all including tackling drink spiking

  4. A better uni life with more circling space & an accessible democracy


A Cheaper Student life


Existing on campus should not cost your entire student loan! Student life is too expensive and we have a growing cost of living crisis. The SU needs to be more affordable.


  • Bring Back Happy Hour

    • The SU should be the cheapest place to drink and eat. I will bring in new deals like re-introducing Happy Hour, meaning cheaper drinks from 5-9 in T-bar and 1-5 in Curiositea every day

  • Reduce Rootes Prices

    • I will work with Rootes Grocery Store to negoatiate cheaper prices on a range of essential products

  • Champion student discounts in local areas

    • Your SU should be using its power to secure bespoke student discounts with off-campus bars and restaurants, so it's more affordable to go out, as well as with venues for cheaper prices for societies and sports club.


A Green New Deal

What I've done as Environment Officer:

  • Pushed for vegan Purple, so everyone can enjoy their night out

  • Helped set up a Sustainability Society Forum so that Warwick's environmental societies can better co-operate

  • Started to implement a Green Certification scheme for university outlets to increase accountability

What I plan to do as DDO:

  • Diversify campus eating options

    • Warwick should cater for all. My Green New Deal will increase the amount of vegan and vegetarian options, invite more local food trucks to reduce our carbon footprint, and offer more seasonal foods.

  • Reduce plastic cup use

    • Plastic cup use on campus is excessive, especially in the Copper Rooms. My Green New Deal will deliver on this by exploring re-usable alternatives and other ways to cut our plastic use and make Warwick as sustainable as it can be.

  • New Green career events

    • I will promote new green career fairs and events so that you have exposure to the most sustainable industries and businesses the world has to offer.

  • Green Guide for students

    • Produce a guide on sustainable living for new students


A safer student life


A university night out should be as safe and enjoyable as possible, but this has not been the case for all students. Bullying, drink spiking, innappriate behaviour and other distressing acts have meant some students have not been able to enjoy themselves


  • Better training for staff

    • It is vital that Warwick is a safe space for all. As DDO I will work with professionals and local councils to better train staff, including on drink spiking so that it can become a thing of the past.


There will be a cost of living crisis next year and so income security will be key for many students' financial safety


  • Ring Fence SU jobs for Students

    • It is vital that Warwick is a safe space for all. As DDO I will work with professionals and local councils to better train staff, including on drink spiking so that it can become a thing of the past.

  • Committed to the National Living Wage

    • Student staff deserve protection. I will make sure that all employees are paid at least the National Living Wage.


A Better student experience

  • More Circling Space

    • Circling is a Warwick tradition, yet there is not enough space for all sports clubs and societies to be able to do so each week. I will campaign to open more space such as in Bar Fusion.

  • Bring Democracy to YOU

    • Sabbatical Officers are not just for election weeks. Your Officers should be regularly listening to you. By having regular Sabb pop-ups across the university (including Gibbet Hill) you can engage directly with your sabbs.


About Me


  • 3rd Year History & Politics Student

  • SU Environment & Ethics Officer

  • Arts Faculty Representative

  • Warwick Pride Bi+ Officer (2021-22)

  • Environment Committee member (2020-21)


Contact Us

If you need to ask any questions about the elections process, you can visit us in the Democratic Services Office on the top floor of SUHQ. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details below.