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The Students’ Union is the focal point of campus life here at Warwick, but what exactly is it that makes your Union so unique? Here are a few basic facts about who we are and what we do…

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Candidate for the position of Environment and Ethics Officer



Plain Text Manifesto:

Rebecca Brown For Environment and Ethics Officer 2019-2020 Manifesto

Becca B: Defining Eco from Ego

Hi, I’m Becca, I’m a second year English and Comparative Literary Studies student from little old Somerset, land of tractors, and I am running for this role because it is integral to the modern mindset. I have done some ecological work in Africa as well as being massively inspired by the English Department’s own Literature, Environment, and Ecology module, both eye-opening and motivating perspectives to learn directly from. I am looking to pursue a career in sustainability so I would love to be elected for this role.

Search "Becca Brown For Warwick Environment and Ethics Officer" on Facebook for all campaign details and updates in Week 8!

Push to achieve Carbon Neutrality on campus by 2025.

The current aim is 2030, but why wait when more can be achieved on our campus? Aiming for Carbon Neutrality by 2025 is ambitious, but achievable, especially with someone willing to give Warwick a gentle shove in the right direction to start achieving pivotal environmental goals.

Reduce the amount of needless plastics and packaging waste.

I aim mostly to tackle food suppliers on campus in the reduction of needless and harmful plastics and packaging that our food comes in so that we can make better consumer choices. Why do bananas need to be wrapped in plastic? If only they came with some natural biodegradable packagi- oh wait…

Food on campus.

I would like to encourage more vegan and vegetarian food options in a bid to ensure awareness as to the impact of food production and consumption on the environment.

Review the ethical nature of the companies sourced by the SU.

Further to the above points I hope to raise awareness within the university’s consumer culture by reviewing the current list of companies supplying the SU and students with various products on campus. I will investigate any instances of companies making questionable ethical choices such as in violations of worker’s rights, sourcing materials, and animal testing, and I will campaign for change, or look for opportunities to source more ethically.

Work with local council members in Coventry and Leamington Spa to encourage greener sustainable initiatives.

I would like the university to open better lines of communication with the surrounding local areas in order to discuss measures to reduce the impact a University City has on the environment. This role provides the opportunity to do this with an accountable point of contact between the SU and the surrounding areas.

Work with Estates to plant areas of wildflower meadow.

These small areas would not only make campus look beautiful but will also provide habitat to encourage and sustain insect and pollinator populations which are currently under threat but vital to our ecosystems. These would be a fantastic easy way to make small changes whilst being remarkably cheap to implement and maintain.

Address the notorious public transport issues supplying the university.

As we all know, the buses are unreliable and generally not a great experience whether you’re on your way to a 9am or heading home after a long day on campus. This has subsequently led to more cars on campus than ever before. I will work to help improve the buses and revamp our car share schemes, implementing incentives for student participation.

Put on a successful Green Week and host events and talks.

I want to promote a Green Week that not only encourages environmentally inclined thinking and action in the short term, but to be memorable and encourage small lifestyle changes that will benefit healthy living and environmental sustainability.

Contact Us

If you need to ask any questions about the elections process, you can visit us in the Democratic Services Office on the top floor of SUHQ. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details below.