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Showing at Warwick Arts 11th Feb 2025
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The Students’ Union is the focal point of campus life here at Warwick, but what exactly is it that makes your Union so unique? Here are a few basic facts about who we are and what we do…

View Manifesto

Candidate for the position of President

Image for Ben Newsham - BIG BEN

Ben Newsham - BIG BEN

Plain Text Manifesto:


My Priorities:

A University run bus service

Comprehensive disciplinary process reform

Double mental health funding

Ditch circuit laundry and get a better deal

More and better off campus learning grids


Hey, I’m Ben. I’m your SU Democracy and Development Officer and I’m running to be your next President.

I’ve done a lot in the past six months, and I’ve done it by being realistic. I want to lead an SU that focuses on making a real difference rather than being elected on policies that sound good but will never happen.

I’ve kept each policy brief, but some issues demand detail – that’s why the last section of my manifesto is an in depth approach to reforming the university’s disciplinary processes.

I have a strong record and realistic policies. I hope you agree, and together we can make Warwick better for every student.



Democracy and Development Officer 2018/19

President, Politics Society 2017/18

Academic Officer, Politics Society 2016/17

Democracy Exec 2017/18



Halved the University card replacement fine

Installed free boiling water in the library

Record breaking election turnout

Microwaves in the library confirmed for Term 3

Launched Reflektor, Cocktail, and Glow

Introduced Sabb office hours


Your Welfare

More than double mental health funding per student to at least the Russell Group average

Introduce a Report and Support system for abuse and harassment such as in place at Bristol and Manchester

Unify mental health services by bringing counselling from Westwood to Senate House

Increase the number of sexual health clinics

Abolish the fine for calling ambulances to campus directly


Your Campus

The Circuit Laundry contract is up this year – I’ll demand better service or kick them out

Completely abolish the unfair university card replacement fee

Make Xananas an affordable restaurant students want to go to

Continue increasing the anount of free boiling water and microwaves

Finish the work to introduce nap pods and relaxation spaces


Your Education

Fight for the return of the Educational Maintenance Allowance

Oppose fees and cuts, and ensure higher education remains open to all

Oppose the casualization of Postgraduate staff contracts

Increase the transparency of hidden course costs

Fight for study spaces with new off campus learning grids, study space in the old sports centre, a commitment to a second library and continuing to oppose construction on campus with new study spaces


Your Transport

Introduce a university run bus service to drive down prices and overcrowding

Increase the amount of car parking available for students by reducing the number of staff only spaces

Lobby for buses through the night, especially after club nights on campus so everyone can ger home safely and cheaply


Your Communities

Enshrine the IHRA definition of antisemitism into SU by law, and lobby the university to adopt it too

Ensure that tackling the Black Attainment Gap remains a priority for both the University and the SU

Expand the Hidden Histories series by reaching out to student societies to co host events

Increase the resources and information available to the SU’s Liberation and Diversity officers so the communities they represent are empowered through the SU

Explore the possibility of a Faith Students Rep


Your Clubs and Societies

Install water fountains at Lakeside

Get clubs involved in the choice of supplier when the Akuma contract ends next year

Allow societies to launch more than once a year

Use society and club training for what you need to know without wasting your time

Introduce multiyear Socs and Sports fed to save you money doing the things you love


The University’s Disciplinary Process

Our Community is hurting. An injustice has been done, and faith in the systems meant to keep us safe lost. Some of the damage of the past year will never be undone. If we are to move forward at all, it must be together.

I believe in clearly defined, realistic policies. That is more important on this issue than any other. Therefore, as your President, I will:

1) Consistently lobby for strong student representation as the University reviews its processes.

If we are to have faith in these systems, they must be built in our interest, as determined by the students themselves - not the university deciding for us.

2) Demand a clear statement of values

What does this university stand for?  We need a clear statement of the values this university holds and a commitment to enforcing them - the pursuit of knowledge in an environment of mutual respect, where discrimination and abuse of any kind are completely unacceptable.

3) Ensure the University is clear and transparent, with timelines and progress updates as they review their processes

Contact Us

If you need to ask any questions about the elections process, you can visit us in the Democratic Services Office on the top floor of SUHQ. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details below.